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Charity Company Package

Register a charity company at Companies House.
Order online or by telephone.

020 3908 0044

Charity Company

£89.99 Order

Set up a charitable company at Companies House. The company structure we offer is a company limited by guarantee. We provide Model Charity Articles, which you can edit and insert your company's objects. Alternatively, you can use your own Articles. We recommend all clients who want charity status for their company, to follow the Charity Commission's guidance on how to draft charitable objects.

Please note: This package does not include registration with the Charity Commission, which is an option you may choose later.

What’s included

Companies House £50.00 Filing Fee

A limited by guarantee company, usually formed within 24 hours - subject to Companies House workload


Companies House £50.00 Filing Fee

Take 5 minutes to complete our online application form, and we will review and forward it to Companies House with your filing fee of £50.00. Your new LLP will usually be ready within 24 hours, although this is subject to Companies House workload.

Apply for 'limited' name exemption

Use your own Articles or edit our model Articles to include your company's objects required for 'limited' name exemption


Apply for 'limited' name exemption

You may apply for exemption to use of the word 'limited' in your company name with this package.

To qualify for 'limited' name exemption, the company’s objects should be for the promotion or regulation of commerce, art, science, education, religion, charity or any profession. The Articles should include a non-profit clause, prohibit the payment of dividends or return of capital to the members, and in the event of the business being wound up, the company's assets will be transferred to another body with similar objects, or which promotes a charity.

This package allows clients to upload their own Articles or download and edit our model Articles and so comply with Companies House requirements for exemption to use 'limited' in the company name.

Use of the words Association, Benevolent, Federation, Foundation, Society or Trust in the company name

Use your own Articles or edit our model Articles to include your company's objects and use these sensitive words


Use of the words Association, Benevolent, Federation, Foundation, Society or Trust in the company name

To be permitted to use any of the above words, the Articles should include objects that reflect the specific purpose of the company and a non-profit distribution clause, which provides that any profits should be used to further the objects of the company and not paid to the members as dividends. In most instances the Articles should also include a one member, one vote clause.

This package allows clients to upload their own Articles or download and edit our model Articles and so comply with Companies House requirements to use the above mentioned 'sensitive' words.

Bespoke Articles

This package provides you with the facility to upload your own bespoke Articles


Bespoke Articles

During the company application process, you can choose to upload your own Articles, or use our model Articles. If you choose to use our Articles, you will need to download them from our website, inserting your company's specific objects, before re-uploading to include the document in your company application.

Digital Certificate of Incorporation

Your Certificate of Incorporation delivered by email


Digital Certificate of Incorporation

We will send you a digital PDF version of your company's Certificate of Incorporation. This is the document which verifies the company is officially registered with Companies House.

Printed Certificate of Incorporation

A high quality printed Certificate of Incorporation


Printed Certificate of Incorporation

We will send you a printed version of your company's Certificate of Incorporation. This is the document which verifies the company is officially registered with Companies House.

Digital Memorandum & Articles of Association

A copy of your Mem & Arts delivered by email


Digital Memorandum & Articles of Association

A digital copy of your company's Memorandum & Articles of Association. These documents are required to form a company under the Companies Act 2006.

The Memorandum lists the subscribers to the company and confirms their intention to incorporate and take at least one share each.

The Articles of Association defines the rules which govern how the company will be run.

Printed Memorandum & Articles of Association

A high quality printed & bound copy of the Mem & Arts


Printed Memorandum & Articles of Association

A printed and bound copy of your company's Memorandum & Articles of Association. These documents are required to form a company under the Companies Act 2006.

The Memorandum lists the subscribers to the company and confirms their intention to incorporate and take at least one share each.

The Articles of Association defines the rules which govern how the company will be run.

Digital Guarantor Certificate(s)

Your guarantor certificate(s) delivered by email


Digital Guarantor Certificate(s)

A digital version of your guarantor certificates sent by email. These official documents provide evidence of your ownership of the company.

Printed Guarantor Certificate(s)

Your guarantor certificates delivered by post


Printed Guarantor Certificate(s)

A printed version of your guarantor certificates sent by post. These official documents provide evidence of ownership of the company.

Free Pre-Submission Review

Our experts will check your order for mistakes


Free Pre-Submission Review

When it comes to company formation, administrative oversights can be costly and time-consuming. In order to prevent mistakes, our professional advisors conduct a thorough review of every single order before submitting it to Companies House.

Free Online Portal to Manage your Company

Including free lifetime company support by our experts


Free Online Portal to Manage your Company

We provide a free online customer area which allows you to monitor and update your company details from one place. This facility has a range of features including:

  • Email reminders of key filing dates for your companies.
  • The ability to easily make changes to officer details, company addresses, and file your Confirmation Statement online.
  • Register a new company without having to re-enter all the same information.
  • Import existing companies and control everything in one place.
  • View payment history and renew services.
  • Access and download your digital company documents at any time.
  • Access and download your official government and business mail at any time.
  • Manage your payment cards.
  • Renew your annual subscription services.
  • Purchase additional products and services from the Shop.

Free Domain Name

Get your own .com or domain name for 1 year


Free Domain Name powered by IONOS

We have partnered with IONOS, one of the UK’s leading domain name providers, to offer you a free .com or domain name for 1 year, to help establish the online presence of your new business.

How it works: As soon as your company is approved by Companies House, we will send you an order fulfilled email, including your exclusive link to the IONOS website. You can proceed to order your free .com or domain or add a hosting plan to your basket for only £1 per month.

Please note: The price of a or .com domain will be £0.00 for one year. This offer is only available using the link in your order fulfilled email. The discount applies for the first year only and is not valid for renewals. Standard terms and conditions apply.

FREE pre-submission review with each and every package

Our experts will conduct a review of your new company application form, checking for mistakes and typos, as well as looking for problems in grammar and presentation, before sending it to Companies House.

Why do we do this? By reviewing your order, we will greatly reduce the chance of it being rejected by Companies House, and your company documents will also be perfectly presented with no formatting or capitalisation issues.

Thousands of excellent customer reviews

We have formed over 350,000 companies with a 98% positive customer service rating.Read our verified company formation reviews.

Rated 4.9 out of 5.0 462 reviews
Rated 4.7 out of 5.0 2,389 reviews

Pick up a free business bank account with your order

Barclays logo.

No monthly account fees
for first 12 months.

ANNA logo.

Online application.
Account open in 3 minutes.

Tide logo.

Accounting, invoicing and
banking, all in one place.

Monzo logo.

Online application.
FREE UK bank transfers.

Natwest logo.

Bank when it suits you.
Online and via App.

HSBC logo.

Online application.
No monthly fee.

Zempler logo.

Online application.
No credit check.

WorldFirst logo.

Business banking for
non-UK residents.

Frequently asked questions

With this package, you will be forming a private company limited by guarantee that is appropriate for a charitable company.

Please note: This package does not include registration with the Charity Commission, which you will need to arrange separately.

A charity company needs a minimum of one director, one guarantor and one person with significant control (PSC). These roles can all be taken by one person or they can be shared amongst multiple people (although a guarantor is typically also a PSC).

We will provide you with a version of Model Charity Articles. You can either adopt these wholly, edit them to suit your needs (and add your own objects) or upload your own Articles of Association.

We recommend all clients who want charity status for their company, to follow the Charity Commission's guidance on how to draft charitable objects.

No. By editing the Articles of Association that we provide or by using your own Articles of Association, you can add the necessary objects required to be exempt from using ‘Limited’ or ‘Ltd’.

There is a step in the company application process that provides you with the facility to upload your bespoke Articles of Association document.

Yes absolutely. Please call our Customer Service Team on 020 3908 0044 and one of our company experts will process your company formation order with you by telephone.

It will take you no more than 5 to 10 minutes to complete the online company application form on our website. Companies House will then usually take up to 24 hours to approve your new company registration. Please note this is subject to Companies House workload on the day and it can take longer.

If it is very important your company is incorporated as soon as possible, we would recommend you add the Guaranteed Same-Day Service to your order.

A SIC code or Standard Industrial Classification code is used to categorise a company's business activity. To register a limited company or LLP you must choose at least one SIC code, although you can choose up to four. Do not worry if you do not know the SIC code relevant to your business activity, Quality Company Formations provide a simple SIC code search tool where you can choose your SIC code or codes.

As soon as your new company has been registered at Companies House, we will send you an order fulfilled email. Within this email you will receive a voucher code and instructions on how to set up your new domain name.

All company formation agents have a legal obligation to check Proof of ID and Address; however, most customers do not need to do anything, as we carry out digital checks using the information supplied in your online company application form.

Those customers who require to provide ID can do so in a matter of minutes using their mobile phone and a simple App which we will provide. This App is supplied free of charge.

It is a simple process to close a limited company. Quality Company Formations offer a Company Dissolution Service at a cost of £89.99 + VAT. This cost includes the Companies House fee, filing the DS01 form and providing the Board Resolution to approve the dissolution of the company.

Your company is 10 times less likely to be rejected

We provide a free check of all new company registration orders for omissions and errors
- greatly reducing the chances of rejection by Companies House.

Less chance of rejection

Our checking process reduces the average rejection rate of UK company applications, from 10% to just 1%

Perfect documents

We are able to fix typos and errors before they appear on the finished company documents.

...and it's free!

QCF review our clients' company applications, and handle the rejections free of charge.

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