Your company registration number (CRN) is unique to your limited company or LLP. You can find it on your certificate of incorporation and any official documentation received from Companies House. Your CRN is also displayed on the public register of companies, which can be accessed online via Companies House Service.
A company registration number is a combination of 8 numbers or 8 alpha-numeric characters. Automatically issued upon company formation, this unique number is used to identify your company and verify its legal incorporation at Companies House. You cannot choose or change your CRN.
There are a few variations of Company Registration Numbers, depending on the type of company and where it is incorporated:
- Companies in England and Wales
CRN is made up of 8 digits (numbers) - Companies in Scotland
CRN begins with the letters ‘SC’, followed by 6 numbers - Companies in Northern Ireland
CRN begins with the letters ‘NI’, followed by 6 numbers - LLPs in England and Wales
CRN begins with the letters ‘OC’, followed by 6 numbers - LLPs in Scotland
CRN begins with the letters ‘SO’, followed by 6 numbers - LLPs in Northern Ireland
CRN begins with the letters ‘NC’, followed by 6 numbers
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You should not confuse your company registration number with your company’s Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR). They are entirely separate and serve different purposes.
When will I use my company registration number?
Limited companies and LLPs are legally required to display their CRN on all forms of official business stationery. This includes letterheads, emails, faxes, compliment slips, invoices, receipts, order forms, websites, brochures, leaflets, and any other form of promotional material.
You will also need your CRN in the following circumstances:
- Sending confirmation statements and annual accounts to Companies House
- Registering your company for Corporation Tax
- Paying Corporation Tax and filing Company Tax Returns
- Registering your company or LLP for VAT
- Paying VAT and submitting VAT Returns to HMRC
- Registering your company or LLP for PAYE
- Submitting PAYE reports
- Changing the name of your company or LLP
- Changing your registered office address
- Using a SAIL address or changing an existing SAIL address
- Moving the location of statutory records
- Appointing and removing directors
- Appointing and removing company secretaries
- Appointing and removing LLP members
- Changing your accounting reference date (ARD)
- Filing copies of resolutions
- Selling shares
- Issuing dividend vouchers to shareholders
- Dissolving your company or LLP
- Changing the trading status of your company from active to dormant
Manage your company details online with Quality Company Formations
In addition to our online company formation and address services, Quality Company Formations provides a software filing service that allows you to access and manage your company online.
By creating a free account and importing your company information, you can carry out a variety of essential tasks, including viewing your CRN and other statutory details online, delivering Confirmation Statements electronically to Companies House, and appointing and removing officers and LLP members.
To find out more or get help with setting up or managing your company, please contact us to chat with one of our specialist advisors.
Please note that the information provided in this article is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, tax, or professional advice. While our aim is that the content is accurate and up to date, it should not be relied upon as a substitute for tailored advice from qualified professionals. We strongly recommend that you seek independent legal and tax advice specific to your circumstances before acting on any information contained in this article. We accept no responsibility or liability for any loss or damage that may result from your reliance on the information provided in this article. Use of the information contained in this article is entirely at your own risk.
[…] Where can I find my Company Registration Number (CRN)? […]
[…] Where can I find my Company Registration Number (CRN)? […]